
The Mantras are believed to be originated from the Vedas – the Holy Hindu Scriptures. In ancient times, ascetics and hermits used to show their veneration towards the nature and its creation by chanting hymns and Mantras. The incantations, uttered in Sanskrit, were believed to be a powerful source of invoking the hidden potential of human mind. , when recited with purity and discipline of the mind, the mantras are capable of casting evil off, clearing the path for the inflow of positive vibes. The chanting can eliminate the hindrance causing monetary loss, bad health and disturbed state of mind.
Recital of Mantra forms a protection layer around the man. Performing remedial measures & wearing stone for a planet helps increase the positive aspects in the life. One can attain the materialistic and spiritual goals with the help of Mantras provided they are recited with complete faith, strong will and stable mind.


Ancient sages had made different yantras using numeric square. It represents certain value of numbers which is related their planet. It is the belief that It can give benefic effect in human life.
Yantra is a Sanskrit word that is composed from two words: “yam” – meaning to control and “tra” – meaning an instrument or device. Astrological Yantras are cosmic devices that demonstrate sacred geometry, which when energized emit cosmic energies. Yantras are sacred mediums that reveal abstract universal truths, they when energized keeping intent in mind, help you manifest its truth in ethereal as well as physical plane of existence.
There can be seen various shapes and patterns that are drawn in Yantra, namely squares, circles, triangles and floral patterns. Together these create some complex geometric figures.
Every Yantra is associated with a particular mantra. That mantra is integral part of Yantra as it infuses life into that geometric figure. If Yantra is some form of deity then mantra is the mind consciousness. A Yantra cannot be energized if you don’t know the mantra associated with it.
A Yantra acts as a protective shield against darkness and all kinds of negativities. There are different types of Yantras which help in attaining material prosperity, power, success, love, happiness, peace and welfare, wish fulfilment and good health. As per the desire these Yantras are categorized accordingly. For example, wealth Yantra, Yantra for good health, Yantra for education and learning, Yantra for success in business, Yantra for protection against evil and black magic, and Yantra for spiritual advancement.
Ratna (Gemstone):

Gem and precious stones are source of energy. They have the potential to increase the strength of a particular planet. They are generally worn for health, wealth, power and popularity. Depending on the birth chart, a gem is suggested to be worn for increasing wealth, power and popularity apart from averting diseases. In ancient times, Kings used to collect the best of gems (Kohinoor etc.) to protect themselves from bad evils. Gemstone increases the benefic aspects by absorbing rays of the planet and flowing them into the human body.


The word rudraksha is derived from Rudra (Shiva—the Hindu god of all living creatures) and aksha (eyes). One Hindu legend says that once Lord Shiva opened His eyes after a long period yogic meditation, and because of strong feelings He shed a tear. This single tear from Shiva’s eye grew into the rudraksha tree.
Rudraksha is a seed traditionally used as prayer beads in Hinduism (especially Shaivism). Today, they are mostly found in Nepal, Burma, Thailand or Indonesia.
They are associated with the Hindu deity Lord Shiva and are commonly worn for protection by his devotees. The Rudraksha beads have a very unique vibration. They are valued similarly to semi-precious stones. Various meanings and potencies are attributed to beads with different numbers of segments (faces) It is believed that, as a sacred material, rudraksha beads are able to hold onto to energy of the recited mantra and aid the worshiper in his or her concentration and spiritual development. rudraksha is a very good support because it creates a cocoon of your own energy.
The different kinds of beads have their different significance and importance. Mukhi in Sanskrit means (“mukh”) which is (“face”). So Mukhi means opening on Rudraksh, like one Mukhi Rudraksha means Rudraksha with one mouth or opening, 4 Mukhi Rudraksha means Rudraksha with 4 mouths or opening. Size is always measured in millimetres. they range from as small as pea seeds to larger ones, some almost reaching the size of a walnut.
The Rudraksha beads are capable aligning the Positive energies around us and discarding the negative energies which affect us. It is also a kind of shield against negative energies.
Rudraksha is perfect for body, mind and spiritual gains as it evokes power in the body which fights against several diseases thereby improving overall health. Wearing a rudraksha can also bring glow to your face making your personality charming and calm. It also results in destruction of sins from previous life birth which may possess power to cause problems in your present life. There are different kinds of rudraksha, each having its own unique abilities and have a different deity according to the number of faces it has. Children below 12 years of age can wear six-faced beads. It will help them calm down and be more focused. Above all they will receive the right type of attention from the adult.
Mala or Rosary is made of beads in the numbers like (108+1, 54+1, 27+1). The +1 bead is termed as Sumeru which is not crossed while chanting and shows that one should reverse its japa.