Spiritual & Holistic Healing (Soul, Mind & Body)
One to one sessions for healing-
A clear and direct knowing from within, also referred to as a hunch, a gut feeling, a gut response, and even luck. Intuition is a knowingness that comes without explanation as to how or why. It is a right brain function involving extra sensory perception, but much broader it functions on physical, emotional mental and spiritual levels. Each individual experience intuition differently. There may be physical sensations such as tingling of the skin or a feeling leaden weights in the stomach, clairaudient or inner voices. Seemingly inexplicable attractions or aversions to newly met people inspirational solutions to problems feeling of closeness to god or the divine force mental imagery or clues from the environment such as circumstances that alter plans.
Psychological Healing power) and their essence, being or inner spirit. We focused on trust) and spiritual bond. Key to this understanding of wellbeing is that the health of an individual is comprised of their subjective and relational interactions within four inter-related quadrants: biological, psychological, social and spiritual i.e. a balance of mental, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing.
Spiritual coaching helps you build the tools you need to help yourself in an area of life that requires balance. Together, you and Dr. Sunita identify your goals and work together in a constant, focused way, to help you reinforce what you need and to help you strive for the very best.
How can Dr. Sunita help you?
an energetic support system
your self-worth.