Laxmi Shree Yantra (Panchdhatu)

Laxmi Shree Yantra (Panchdhatu) 4 X4 X4 cms



Laxmi Shree Yantra (Panchdhatu) 4 X4 X4 cms

• The Sri Yantra is considered to be the tool for obtaining and fulfilling all worldly desires and for material manifestation.
• The Sri Yantra is a mathematically precise design and based upon Golden Proportion or Phi ratio. Everything that exists in nature, is constructed in a proportionately precise manner and this proportion is called the Golden/Phi ratio.
• The Sri Yantra means “holy instrument” and can also be known as the Sri Chakra or “holy wheel”. It contains all form of sacred geometry/golden ratio, is mathematically precise and can also represent the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine (The upward triangles meeting the downward triangles).
• This yantra is seen to have nine triangles that can be interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles like a web; this web can be symbolic of the entire cosmos. It is closely associated with the Flower of Life which is also the blueprint for the creation of matter, sound and consciousness